Saturday, August 31, 2019
The rise of high
Background Information on EX. INC The company EX. is a high-end retail chain that sells luxury watches, jewelry and handbags. The company has decided that they would like to expand their organization on a global scale. The organization wants to begin a company in China for a period of 1 year, within that year they will begin to branch out to the countries of Brazil, India, and Russia. As the company begins to work on their short-term objective Of expanding, into China and into the B. R. I.C footprint, there will be small and large-scale changes that will occur doing the process, formulating and implementing a business plan that defines the organization structure and strategy is key to expanding the organization on a lobar scale. There will be many challenges associated when trying to navigate luxury brand items into operating environments across the B. R. I. C to capitalize on the growing wealth and booming middle class. It is speculated that by the year 2050, the B. R. I. C would be wealthier than most of the current economic powers in the world. The B. R. I.C represents more than 40 percent of the world's population. According to investigated ââ¬Å"China and India will become the world's dominant suppliers of manufactured goods and services, respectively, while Brazil and Russia will become similarly dominant as appliers of raw materials. Due to lower labor and production costs, many companies also cite BRICE as a source of foreign expansion opportunityâ⬠Move. investigated. Com). Globalization has expanded and accelerated the exchange of many goods and services over vast distances. The recent pace of global integration within the B.R. I. C has dramatically increased, with changes occurring in technology, communication and transportation, these process have made businesses more interdependent than ever. Weiss states ââ¬Å"In an increasingly globalizes world, in which change comes at an ever-faster rate, a DOD business must always have a set of short-te rm as well as long term goals and a detailed strategy for how to reach those goalsâ⬠. (Weiss, 2012). With the economic growth process occurring through globalization, EX. Inc. Has decided to expand their high-end luxury brand stores globally.As the senior executive representative for EX. Inc. , have been put in charge of the company's first international expansion. It will be my responsibility to decide what organizational changes will take place. As the leader of this expansion, I need to use an appropriate change model that will find ways to improve and expand the organization. The choice Of expanding on a global scale can increase profit; bonus can be offer to future and current employees, and new partnerships are formed that bring new clientele into the EX. organization.China is a great choice for EX. Inc. Global expansion, china is the second largest country in the world, they have about 1. 3 billion people who live and work in a economy where high-end luxury items are wan ted and produce there daily. China is the hub for imported and exported goods, nothing moves into Brazil, Russia or India without coming through China first. The readerships made in China will have a long term affect on future expansion into the B. R. I . C. Knowing upfront the economic advantages in China will give EX. Inc. He competitive advantages that is needed to move forward in the global growing market. As the company begins to work on their short-term objective of expanding into China there will be small and large-scale changes that will occur doing the process, formulating and implementing a business plan that defines your organization structure and strategy is key to expanding the organization on a global scale. Implementing and planning the organization expansion is a lot of responsibility for the persons who have to implement the plan and for the managers and team members who has to enforce the plan.There are three types of changes that happen at the organizational level , the first change is developmental change, this involves an improvement of what already exist. The second change is the transitional change, consists of an ââ¬Å"implementation to achieve a known desired stats that is different from the existing 2012). The last change is transformational change, which involves the emergence of anew, unknown state for the organization. The moved to China is transformational change. Making the transformational shift from the IIS to China will be hard if the proper planning and guidance is not clear.Five Dimension Change model gives the organization a forced guideline to use to stay on track and time with the planned move. This change model provides distinct implementation phases that help the leaders, managers and team members move to their desired destinations. There are a total Of five steps that will ensure that EX. will accomplish there assigned tasks, an take care of there managers and employees in the process. Motivating Change: preparing to l ead the change, s the senior executive of this organization it is my responsibility to ensure that prepare this organization for change on a global and international platform.My company leaders want to partner up with four of the largest countries in the world to become globally competitive. Am being asked to lead immediate change. I must prepare by learning the reality of the situation in B. R. I. C, studying the facts, numbers and details, will need to prepare a case while identifying if I have the right skill sets within my organization to lead the change. I must motivate change by creating readiness and overcoming the resistance for change. Step 2: Creating Vision,- the organization overall vision is to have stores open throughout the B.R. I. C. , to achieve this process, the team will kick at past, present and future conditions. There is no success in business without a vision or a plan. ââ¬Å"A business plan lays out your company's goals so that everyone involved can keep foc used in the same direction. A strategic plan takes this process a step further by giving every division and employee in your company a step-by-step procedure for obtaining the goals set forth in your business plan. Keeping employees focused on the plan means communication and involvement.Every employee will implement your strategic plan as long as he knows his role and can monitor his progress as well as the progress of the company'. (www. Smelliness's. Chronic. Com) Step 3:Developing Political Support- an organization must have political support through transformation process. Step 4: Managing the Transition-according to Weiss ââ¬Ëintervention must be designed and implemented in both motivating and managing the transitionâ⬠. An organization can't be afraid of large-scale changes, leaders must know hat is needed within the organization to move towards the company vision.Step 5: Sustaining Momentum: while change and transformation are happening within the organization, leader s are often busy with many projects and are preoccupied with many task, this step allows employees to be engaged and involved with moving towards the organization goals. Open communication between leaders and employees are very important in this last and final stage, providing feedback on concerns, ideas plans goals and performance is important that all see and understand the planned vision of he organization. Used the Five Deem change model for my short and long term change model. Just go through the same process of leading my team Short Term Change Model: Dungy and State's Four Levels Of Change Model The Dungy and State's Four Levels of Change Model, will guide EX. Inc to the transformation that is needed to move the company to China, this change model will help them in 4 different levels achieve there expansion goals internationally. There are specific 4 levels that can occur in an organization. The first level: Fine Tuning, this change involves and ongoing process of itching and fitting an organization strategy, structure, and processes with the environment.This is the level where a strategic plan is laid out at the beginning of the move, every person within this process will be given a step- by-step procedure for obtaining goals sat forth in the organization strategic plan. Leaders and manager will play a very important role of keeping employees on track for the mission at hand. The ultimate responsibility of carrying out the goals set by all falls back on leaders and mangers when the task aren't completed to standard or on time.Level 2- Incremental adjustment: this change model predicts changes that evolve slowly and systematically at a constant rate over time within the organization to fit the external environment. Slightly larger than fine tuning, incremental adjustment to the organization can include correcting faulty processes, changing business emphasis, reallocating staff and so on. ââ¬Å"This takes more work and has a greater risk of going wrong and So is more likely to use local improvement projects, where people take time out of their day work to engage in study of the situation and design of appropriate solutions.Companies that do this often have internal facilitators who are trained up in the methods of improvement and techniques of facilitating nappy, D. And State, D. (1993). Level 3-Modular transformation. Organizational change is radical in this type of change, but it is focused on subparts rather than on the entire organization; for example, restructuring departments or divisions; changes in key executives' and managers' responsibilities; introducing new processes in IT, human resources, or a business process. This type of change is related to transitional change. Weiss, 201 2) Beyond incremental improvement is ââ¬ËBusiness Process Reengineering', or BPR, where the principle is that where incremental changes have limited effect, significant improvements may be achieved by forgetting how the process is enacted at the present and starting with a clean drawing board. Such ââ¬Ëclean slate' approaches both liberate the designer to entirely re-think how things are done and also give the opportunity for significant failure. A common failure in such projects is where a process gets automated but the software does not behave as well as intended. Level 4 ââ¬â Corporate transformation.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Poems by Emily Dickinson: An Overview
However, to most efficiently express her thoughtful yet Judicious mannerisms would be through her choice of words to create an Image. Emily Dickinson uses Dalton (a style and choice of words) and Imagery (a description of a setting or Image) to paint a picture of splendor and stoically. For Instance, In the poem ââ¬Å"Some keep the Sabbath,â⬠when she writes words Like ââ¬Å"Bobolinkâ⬠Instead of easy terminology like, hem, a bird! Other Interesting words she chooses to use are ââ¬Å"Chorister (a choir singer), ââ¬Å"Domeâ⬠(a church roof Sabbathâ⬠(Sunday), ââ¬Å"Surpliceâ⬠(robes for the choir) and ââ¬Å"Sextonâ⬠(the person who tolls the bells for a church).Not only are all of these words unorthodox, but they are all capitalized, whereas all the other words not beginning each verse are lower case, as if they are of another allegorical importance. She also shows the reader a halcyon orchard, where the birds sing as beautifully as the church choir , where the songs ring as delicately as the bells. Emily Dickinson uses the same type of diction in ââ¬Å"There is no Frigate. She writes words like ââ¬Å"Coursersâ⬠(horses), ââ¬Å"Traverseâ⬠(a journey), ââ¬Å"Tollâ⬠(she's expressing no cost), and the word ââ¬Å"Frigateâ⬠itself (a large boat or vessel).With a new intention and theme of travel, Dickinson uses word choice in yet another didactic poem. And she draws the reader a new purpose to read, a chance to let go, and enter a utopian world, without a penny's cost. Through her diction and imagery, Emily Dickinson personifies majestic beings and animals into humans, and also personifies objects into vessels persons use. With bird and human-like attributes, Emily Dickinson uses personification (the attribution of human characteristics to things) illuminate a pleasant natural setting.As Dickinson says she sees a ââ¬Å"Bobolink,â⬠she personifies it as a ââ¬Å"Chorister,â⬠but the ââ¬Å"Sextonà ¢â¬ who ââ¬Å"toll[s] the Bellâ⬠is entitled to sing, which is only an action that can be taken by a human or bird. When she notes God, she claims him to be a ââ¬Å"Clergymanâ⬠(a Christian minister). She also writes about how she wears her ââ¬Å"Wingsâ⬠instead of ââ¬Å"Surplice,â⬠which signifies freedom and naturalist views. Emily Dickinson uses personification In ââ¬Å"There Is no Frigate,â⬠nevertheless, in a peculiarly different way.. She turns man's use of vessels and travel Into miscellaneous things through comparison.She compares a ââ¬Å"Frigateâ⬠to a book and ââ¬Å"Coursersâ⬠to pages of poetry. Progressively, Dickinson becomes more abstract and makes a connection between a ââ¬Å"Chariotâ⬠and the human soul. It Is almost as If she Is making negative connotations about ways of travel, compared to the more special things like the Imagination a person uses, the special feeling a person gets room reading a book in the comfor t of his/her own home (which In turn enlightens the human soul). Lastly, Emily uses biblical allusions and references to God in both poems, to slightly tenet elastic themes.According to most Talent, Is Like ten ultimatum. Or the Lord of all that is categorized as objective or subjective. Emily Dickinson uses God variously in her poetry, there are a plethora biblical allusions (references) and Godly references because of her religious background. The fact that she writes about wearing a pair of ââ¬Å"Wingsâ⬠caught me by surprise.. To be honest, at iris, we thought she meant a bird, but now we are almost positive Dickinson is saying she will become an angel and return to Heaven.Even mentioning ââ¬Å"Heaven,â⬠going to ââ¬Å"Churchâ⬠on ââ¬Å"Sabbathâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Godâ⬠preaching are all biblical allusions. Unlike her poem ââ¬Å"Some keep the Sabbath,â⬠which is buzzing with all sorts of allusions, we could only find one relevant reference to the bibl e in ââ¬Å"There is no Frigate. â⬠When the Bible was written, the common way of transportation was by ââ¬Å"Chariot. â⬠In the Bible, the king of Canaan owned nine-hundred chariots, Philistines had thirty thousand chariots.. There were even horses designated to carry the chariots, and there were chariots made for war alone.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Denver Art Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Denver Art Museum - Essay Example I entered into the museum, I felt like entering into a new world, which was a world of art and creativity. An important thing that I noticed was the behavior of the administrative staff. The administrative staff of the museum was very cooperative and well mannered. During my visit, I saw a large number of people from different backgrounds, races, and religions in the museum. Everyone was admiring the collection of artworks as well as the way the artworks were housed in the museum. However, the number of people present in the museum was the least enjoyable factor for me because I could not get the assistance of the administration staff properly. There were a large number of people whereas the number of staff members was very less. The most enjoyable thing for me was the light music that was being played which was adding to the beauty of overall environment of the museum. Another considerable thing was the ethnic and cultural diversity of America that Denver art museum reveals. I can never forget my trip to the Denver art museum because it created a new image of America in my mind, which was the image of a culturally diverse America. Let me now describe two pieces of art from Asian art, which I really liked on my trip to the museum. 1. Shiva, King of Dancers Retrieved from ââ¬ËShiva, King of Dancersââ¬â¢ was created by an Indian artistic genius, named Narja Narayan according to some art historians, in the tenth century AD. The sculpture was created using bronze material and the dimensions of the sculpture are 111.51 x 101.64 cm (43 6/8 x 40.5 inches). Shiva, represented as Nataraja, is one of the most amazing symbols of divine powers. Storl states, ââ¬Å"As Nataraja, Shiva appears as the king of dancers with a drum in one hand and a fire in the otherâ⬠(34). The sculpture reveals a concept of Shiva dancing in and out of the existence of the world. ââ¬Å"The sound of his drum heralds its creation; his burning flame signals its final conflagrationâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Asian Artâ⬠). In the sculpture, it is shown that on e hand of Shiva is up whereas the other one is down. The up hand shows that Shiva is relieving the emotions of fear whereas the other hand is towards his foot, which he has raised up in a dancing position revealing the sense of freedom. According to Berkson, Shiva shows a trancelike face expression in the sculpture (12). Shiva is shown dancing in a circle of time revealing a sense of independence and self-rule. Summing it up, the bronze made sculpture of Shiva attracts everyone because of its style, design, creativity, and feelings that it gives to the visitors. 2. Family of Tigers Retrieved from ââ¬ËFamily of Tigersââ¬â¢ was created by a Korean artist in 1600s. The painting was created using ink and color on paper and the dimensions of the painting are 23 x 14 5/7 inches (58.5 x 37.1 cm). In the 1600s, people used to admire Korean tigers for their independent spirit and strength (ââ¬Å"Asian Artâ⬠). The painting reveals the mindset of Korean people of the past time when they believed tigers as guardians of their households. At that time, people used to create paintings of tigers on the papers in order to hang them on the walls of their houses. The painting also shows
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Marketing Design and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing Design and Innovation - Essay Example The success of international marketing strategies strongly relates to the ways in which companies design and promote their products. Any errors in designing products to meet customer requirements and evolving market trends can lead to failure in capturing market shares and loss in revenues for the companies. The international environment provides the organization with the scope of marketing products to both local and foreign markets. Multiple strategies are adopted by companies to promote their products to these markets either through standardization of products launched in both local and foreign markets or through adaptation in design and features to match the tastes of the foreign consumers (Hill & Allen, 2007). While standardization in design and features provide the customers with a uniform image that is attached with the product, it may fail to satisfy their needs that are influenced by local environment and cultural factors. Hence localization or adaptation to local tastes and preferences is considered a feasible solution by marketers for promoting market shares and growth (Lamb, Fair & McDaniel, 2009). McDonalds ââ¬â the global brand McDonalds is one of the largest chains of fast food restaurants selling burgers, French fries and host of savories since 1940. The business started with the opening of a fast food outlet in California in the year 1940 and since then the company has grown to become a household name with its presence across different countries (Roth, 2010). The success of the brand is largely attributed to its flexibility in product design and innovation in tastes that has ensured a satisfied customer walking out of its outlets. ââ¬Å"In Germany, McDonalds serves beer with meals. In Israel, the first kosher McDonalds opened in Jerusalem in 1995. In Arab countries, the chain used Halal menusâ⬠(Paul, 2008). The respect for local tastes and cultures have earned the company its reputation and contributed to its success in global market expansion strategies. The company operates through a number of franchisees across different market regions. Innovation in product design and marketing mix are key det erminants of the success behind McDonalds. The fast food service chain gained customer loyalty and trust through its creativity in offering new range of products and flavors. McDonalds recognizes the fact that different cultures support varying customer needs and tastes. It is important to identify the distinctiveness in tastes and adapt its flavors to suit the local customer choice and preference. Market demand and competitive advantage The market demand for any product in any region is influenced by the consumer demographics of the region, industry competition, pricing, quality, and service efficiency of the companies. The competitive environment is one of the key aspects influencing market demand for any product. ââ¬Å"Moving from a product and sales philosophy to a holistic marketing philosophy however, gives them a better chance of outperforming competition. And the cornerstone of a well-conceived marketing orientation is strong customer relationshipsâ⬠(Kotler, 1972). Mc Donalds operates in a highly competitive
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Educating Aboriginal Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Educating Aboriginal Children - Essay Example The shift from this stance has been gradual. Many aspects of the Aborigines' lifestyle including cultural values, skills, behaviour and language are still considered as primitive and bad. Aboriginal English, which is a dialect of English used by their group, is considered as lazy and incorrect (Eades, 1995). There are several theoretical as well as practical implications of this kind of attitude for Aboriginal children in the school system. After closely examining case study one, it is evident that Ben's problems in class have their origin in his Aboriginal heritage. His English teacher views Ben's language skills as deficient and in need of urgent addressing The teacher's attitude is that Ben needs to change his language inorder to be assimilated into the society and does not consider integrating Ben's home language in the classroom. The classroom teacher perceives Ben to be behind in his stage development. The teacher is convinced that if Ben's speech patterns are not corrected, it would affect his future learning ability (case study 1). The teacher takes it upon herself to consult with the mother inorder to point out the problem to her so that together they may address the "anomaly". She considers it to be Ben's mother's job to teach him what she considers proper language so that he may be able to catch up in school. The teacher ignores the fact that Aboriginal English is the home language of both Ben and his mother. Ben's grandfather spoke the traditional Aboriginal language. It can therefore be presumed that Ben has only been exposed to Aboriginal English since his family as well as the surrounding community spoke Aboriginal English to him. His mother could not have taught him Standard English since she herself spoke Aboriginal English most of the time. According to the case study, the teacher has failed to recognize Aboriginal English as an important language used by the indigenous people. She also does not take into account the vast differences between Aboriginal English and the Standard English in her evaluation of Ben's literacy development. She has thus formed an opinion based on her misconceptions. Due to being treated as a special needs child, Ben has withdrawn to himself whereas he was outgoing. He has been unfairly targeted as a slow and lazy child just because he had learnt to speak Aboriginal English all his life while now he is expected to use Standard English in school. Aboriginal English refers to the numerous kinds of English spoken by the Aboriginal people in Australia. It originated from the British settlers who due to their reluctance to learn the indigenous languages made it necessary for the aboriginal people to, learn some English in there relations with them. The language that developed was simplified English used in situations of limited contact (Eades 1995). However the language gained prominence when different aboriginal groups began to use it. In the subsequent developments the language resulted in widespread Aboriginal dialects of English. Today aboriginal English is an important means of communication for most of the aboriginal people. It is also important to the aboriginal identity. (Eades 1995) The language bears several similarities to the Standard Engl
Monday, August 26, 2019
Pro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pro - Essay Example od allergens, food intolerance, and other harmful food substances (Gaivoronskaia & Hvinden, 2006); (2) environmental preservation by using less herbicides and fertilizers that contaminates the U.S. bodies of water. (Carpenter et al., 2007; Thurman et al., 1992); (3) enables farmers to produce insect-resistant (Bt), herbicide tolerant, and virus-resistant crops. (Rao, 2008; Harlander, 2002); and (4) increase Vitamin A, C, D, and E, folate, lycopene, sulfurofane1, lutein2, omega-3 fatty acids, starch, iron, and/or the natural anti-oxidants in fruits, vegetables, and grains. (World Health Organization, 2005; Christou & Twyman, 2004; Harlander, 2002) Despite the advantages of genetically modified foods, the use of this type of technology is subject to a lot of controversial issues when it comes to access to intellectual property rights, ethics, health safety, and proper food labeling among others. (Human Genome Project Information, 2007; World Health Organization, 2005; Myhr & For this study, the researcher will first discuss some basic information with regards to genetic engineering in order to enable the readers to understand the subject better. Eventually, the researcher will clearly describe the problem associated with the use of genetically modified foods followed by providing some recommended solutions on how we could minimize the adverse effects of using genetically modified foods. Prior to conclusion, the researcher will make a justification in relation to the effectiveness of the recommended solution to the problem. Genetic engineering ââ¬â also known as gene technology, genetic modification, biotechnology, or transgenic ââ¬â is a special technology that allows scientists to alter the genetic makeup of plants, animals, and/or bacteria. (Human Genome Project Information, 2007) As identified by the World Health Organization (2005), technology used in food modification includes: cloning, tissue culture, and market-assisted breading. Even though there were a
Sunday, August 25, 2019
BP Oil Spill Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BP Oil Spill - Coursework Example e done by the team to prevent the natural ecosystem from being affected by the oil spill.6500 vessels had been used in the process to clean the sea making BP spend $14 billion on the disaster and response. The supply chain experienced a major challenge in that the goods later produced by the company could not meet the overwhelming demand that existed in the market. In addition, its requirements met an alteration of terms and agreements. Dispersants were among the goods whose production was low at 500 weekly gallons as opposed to the required 50000 gallons a day demand. The company also had a problem with some of its affiliate suppliers who claimed to be capable of providing certain commodities but inflated their prices (Waters, 2011). There had been no plan to handle such disaster hence the company suffered hugely in the global supply chain index. Sea transport for commodities like oil is a cheaper alternative than air, rail or road transport. Transport links between continents are limited. Road and rail are convenient ways to transport oil inland while sea shipping remains the cheaper and most efficient way to transport oil between offshore countries or continents (Waters, 2011). Air transport is expensive and risky. It also cannot accommodate and guarantee a large quantity
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy Theory Essay
Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy Theory - Essay Example The fundamental premise of the theory is based on the fact that almost all emotions and behaviors are caused by what people believe about the situations they face. The theory posits a bio-psychosocial explanation of how individuals come to feel and behave. This stems from the belief of Ellis that both biological factors and social factors are involved in the experiencing and action processes. This idea is important, for it proposes that there are limits to the extent that a person can change (Ellis A. , 2003). Ellis argues in his theory that all humans have the ability to interpret reality in a clear, logical and objective manner and avoid unwanted emotional behavioural disturbances. Furthermore, he argues that in addition to these abilities, humans are also predisposed to irrational interpretations (Collard & OKelly, 2011). They are predisposed to twisted or illogical thinking, draw illogical conclusions that are impartial and are cognitive distortions of reality (Levinson, 2010). Ellis identified four standard characteristics that represent an irrational interpretation of reality. These four standard characteristics are demands of something that is not of the real world, other people or the individual; amplification of the awfulness of something an individual dislikes (Macinnes, 2004); conclusion that one cannot tolerate the thing they dislike and finally condemnation of the world, other people or the individual (Dryden, 2003). The characteristics identified above are expressed in speci fic irrational ideas and beliefs (Macinnes, 2004). Ellis suggested that the targets for change in psychotherapy are those thoughts, attitudes beliefs and meanings that cause emotional-behavioural disturbances and then goes ahead to present the rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) (Windy & Neenan, 2004).Ã REBT teaches individuals how to identify their own self defeating ideas, thoughts, beliefs and actions and replace
Answer quesiton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answer quesiton - Essay Example By providing a large number of provincial and local executive offices, the mestizos stamped their mark of authority and control over the bicameral form of government in nearly all aspects of the sociological and political history of the Philippines. Further, they consolidated their rights and power by giving administrative rights and powers in the hands of their blood relatives and friends. Their brothers, sisters and other close members were given senior positions in the power blocs, and sons and nephews were vested with junior authority levels. The idea was to ensure total domination of the country in the hands of the mestizos. Thus they avoided democratic forms of sharing power with the elected representatives of the people. The origin of political dynasty rule was enunciated by the earlier Aquinos and Cojuangcos and has since, through the process of descent, passed onto the hands of the present ruler, Corazon Aquino. The absence of democratic process and the rule of dynasties has been one aspect by which the Filipino political scenario differs significantly from that of other South East Asian nations. Yet another aspect is that, unlike other SE Asian nations, which boast of massive bureaucratic style of governing, in Philippines the mestizos are under the administrative control of the Americans, to whom they have pledged support, in return for a bargain to remain in power. There is a minimum number of positions for civil servants and the entire power sharing lies in the hands of the mestizos. There were massive conversions into Christianity and today, nearly 90% of the population is of Christian faith. These conversions were carried out, not through use of the medium of the Spanish language, but by use of a host of other languages. Although Philippines was ruled by the Spaniards for a considerable length of time, Spanish has not become the common language of the local people of the island
Friday, August 23, 2019
Teen oriented dating reality shows are undermining the values of our Essay
Teen oriented dating reality shows are undermining the values of our youth - Essay Example Scholars and experts have engaged in thought-provoking debate on the impacts of the reality television programming on the society, with majority perceiving it have negative influence especially on the youth. With emphasis on teen-oriented dating reality shows, this paper seeks to differ with the assumption that these reality shows undermine the values of the youth in society (Bilandzic and Rossler 296). For the purpose of this paper, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette dating reality shows will be the primary example throughout the paper. Contrary to these assumptions, the paper reiterates that dating reality shows actually demonstrate a number of beneficial values to individuals, especially the youth. According to some portion of scholars, claiming that a television show has negative or positive influence over reality is to forgo the x factor. This has nothing to do with the show. The main contributing factor to such perception is what the viewer takes from an experience, similar to the interpretation of the Christian Bible. The presentations may largely vary, but the results will be the same: people will hear what their conscience wants to hear, and proceed to apply those experiences in their lives in ways that benefits them personally. However, this does not make the particular thing good or bad. If our judgment no everything based on their effects on people, then most of what we consider sacred and moral would be bad since religious fervor is the cause of many battles in the past. Just like people, the media can have both positive and negative impacts on the society at the same time. Indeed, the presentation may have some bias on one direction or the other, but the most import ant determinant is the individual doing the viewing (Reiss and Wiltz 364). It is thus important to look and evaluate the types of people watching a particular program before pointing fingers in any directions. In
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Psychology, Theology in Chrisitian Counseling Essay Example for Free
Psychology, Theology in Chrisitian Counseling Essay SUMMARY The book begins with at brief selection as it addresses the importance of the counselor utilizing the Christian faith in counseling in addition to focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology. It addresses the issues and concerns that religion may bring into counseling sessions and how the counselor should address and handle these challenges. McMinn addresses the facts that spiritual development must take place with the client as well as the counselor. The counselor must personally address the regulation of prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption these formulations are a necessity for smooth sessions for the client and counselor. The objective of the sessions is to create a healthy sense of self for the client. Once this objective is achieved, the client can move from being broken, and begin a self-motivated and fulfilling relationship with God and others. In the section, Toward Psychological and Spiritual Health, McMinn focuses his main position to the varied individuality of an individualââ¬â¢s life. He proposes that Christian counseling strengthens three areas of a personââ¬â¢s life: sense of self, awareness of human need, limitations, and confiding interpersonal relationships with God and others. The book appears to be focused on the many important attributes of a Christianââ¬â¢s life i.e. prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption all which should be the foundational make-up of the Christian counselorââ¬â¢s method of treating clientââ¬â¢s. Dr. McMinn (1996) believes prayer should be used in and outside of the counseling session, however; with caution. According to McMinn (1996) Christian counselors should depend upon Scripture for truth by determining how to use it appropriately. The use of scripture should be utilized as a therapeutic intervention in the counseling setting. In addition, it would solely depend upon the clientââ¬â¢s emotional, mental and spiritual health and how it is perceived. The chapters are formatted in a very straightforward layout. The chapters have sections to address the challenges counselors face, psychological and spiritual health focus points, and also expected results by each foundational element of counseling ââ¬â psychological, theological, and spiritual. McMinn further discusses the topics of sin, redemption and forgiveness. From the text, it is apparent that the discussion of sin must be handled with care at all times. This subject should be approached with caution and only be discussed if there is a healthy client counselor relationship. Forgiveness is one of the other attributes discussed. Forgiveness has the ability to lead an individual to a healthy and fulfilling life with others and self. It can produce spiritual, mental and emotional reprieve for a client. Redemption is the sole objective for counseling and the counselor must first recognize his redemption before he is urged to be a vessel to redeem someone else. (Ephesians 1:7-8) In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods grace 8that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. (NIV) Christââ¬â¢s redemption has freed us from guilt, being ââ¬Å"justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesusâ⬠(Romans 3:24). To be redeemed we first have to be lost, separated, and captive, be in slavery, and so on. In the case of the Christian redemption definition, we are separated from God and need redemption to be able to be reconcile back to God. CONCRETE RESPONSE This book is a very good outline of spiritual and psychological health and functioning. It gives a very detailed outline of what a Christian counselor should be. Having had some counseling sessions with my pastor in regards to debating on divorce, I was able to relate to McMinns outlines. My pastor was firm and consistent and did not waiver from the word of God as it related to my personal issue at the time. Before the sessions begin, one of the major items my pastor discussed with me was prayer. He asked before the sessions started if I would like for him to pray and before the end of each session. He advised me that through prayer I would be able to feel the presence of God in which I did. As I became more acclimated with my relationship with God, I was able to feel his presence. However; at some points during the sessions I felt as if he was forcing his personal beliefs on me as it related to divorce. I was at a point in my life that divorce appeared to be the only option I felt I had. With prayer and the act of forgiveness and continued efforts, I was able to forgive my spouse and move forward. After my sessions, I was able to find my healthy sense of self again which lead to a more positive, healthy and productive life with my spouse. REFLECTION The proficiency of counseling must be carefully implemented in order for the counselor and client to eventually envision and reap the benefits. This action may not happen in two or three sessions or may not happen at all depending upon the counselor and clientââ¬â¢s relationship. We as Christian counselors must equip ourselves with the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:11, 13). The Holy Spirit should be in the midst of each counseling session in order for the sessions to be productive and prosperous. McMinn (1996) intra disciplinary approach to healing the emotional, mental, and spiritual life of man must be taken in small steps. One question that comes to mind is the section which related to counseling adolescents. According to the book, a teenager appears to be the most difficult to communicate with. In view of the fact that teenagers are faced with an array of complex situations on a daily basis, how would one effectively bring across information for a teenager to perceive who is currently going through a dilemma? Would the same outline be used in treating adults? ACTION As I read Mark McMinnââ¬â¢s book I began to feel a hunger and thirst for the Word of God which became more prevalent as I continued to read. My spirit began to search for more of God . It is apparent that I must fast, pray and read my bible on a daily basis so that I can focus on God and build a closer relationship with him. This book is an excellent resource for counseling for those who need guidance in incorporating spiritual disciplines in a secularly dominated society. The only way this will be instrumental in counseling is to refer to its teaching and allow the Holy Spirit to make it conducive and acceptable in the counseling session. Many Christian counselors can use this resource to reach a level of maturity that will translate into true healing and redemption. As a Christian Counselor, I must first recognize the fact that each person is different mentally, physically and emotionally. Therefore, different methods must be utilized. There is not an outline written in stone; each session evolves into a different method according to the client and the positive or negative response of the previous sessions. The information given by McMinn has truly broadened my outlook in respects to counseling and the relationship I should have with God in reference to becoming a counselor. I would truly recommend this book to any existing counselors or those perusing a counseling career. REFERENCE McMinn, Mark R. Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality In Christian Counseling. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure Introduction Paediatric is a field which comprises of many complex and interesting issues which always related with child development. The development of child that begins from simple to complex that revolves on each of components such as physical, sensory, psychological, cognitive and social issues have always being discuss by many researcher who always doing their studies to understand more about the earliest stage of mankind in the world. Many researchers have used a lot of approaches and practises to evaluate and understand about the human development. One of the professionals who always take advantage on researching the child is Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy is one important professional in the rehabilitation process. In occupational therapy, a lot of efforts have been made to implement and improve client centred practice which defined as an approach to providing occupational therapy which embraces a philosophy of respect for, and partnership with, people receiving services (Eyssen, Beelen, Dedding, Cardol, Dekker, 2005). The concept is focused on respect for the clients and their families, who have the ultimate responsibility for decisions about daily occupations and who should be provided with information emphasising person-centred communication (Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen, 2004). This concept can be useful for all client-centred rehabilitation to evaluate and give intervention to the clients. Paedi atric rehabilitation seems to focus increasingly on client-centred care. (Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet, 2006). Client-centred care implies addressing the problems that an individual experiences (Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet, 2006; Law M., 1998; Sumsion, 1999). These problems might concern a broad spectrum of areas, including the performance of daily activities. (Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet, 2006; Hendriks, De Moor, Oud, Franken, 2000). Earlier studies have suggested that a client-centred approach leads to an improvement in client satisfaction, functional outcome and better compliance (Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet, 2006). Due to that, there are similarities that present in the field of researching of the paediatrics with client centred approach. The similarities make it suitable for the use of Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. This especially design evaluation form from Occupational Therapy is now widely used throughout the world. As the data that this assessment provides are credible, outcome based and accepted as evidence throughout the world (Pendleton Schultz-Krohn, 2006). Mainly, it is also can be used by multidisciplinary teams to understand and identifies the needs and priorities of the child and their parents by expanding the focus of the interview (Siebes, Ketelaar, Gorter, et al., 2007). Although that, there are research done to make COPM have the ability to evaluate child below the range of previous version (Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen, 2004) to make it more user friendly and sensitive towards the clients situations. Thus, the modified version of COPM is born and refers as Modif ied COPM which researcher now being extensively done studies on it (Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen, 2004). Description As stated by Law, Baptiste, Carswell, McColl, Polatajko, Pollock in 2005, the original COPM is an individualized measure that is specially design to detect any changes in clients self perception on their occupational performance over time as this assessment is based on Canadian Model Of Occupational Performance. It is an Occupational Based Assessment Model which uses a client centred approach and have criterion referenced measure (Pendleton Schultz-Krohn, 2006). COPM also have its concepts as it emphasized more on its standardizations and its effectiveness. As stated (Pendleton Schultz-Krohn, 2006), the concepts of COPM are based on: The primary priority is given towards the client and then later on their condition. Choices and supports are offered to clients as it directly directed in Occupational Therapy Process. Clients needs, satisfactory and importance towards their occupation have to be treated in acceptable, flexible and accessible manner during providence of interventions. Interventions contextually are given in appropriate and relevance. It have clear respect on the differences and varieties towards the clients as in Occupational Therapy Process As stated by Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen in 2004, Modified COPM have undergoes two major modifications that were made to ensure its avaiability and effectiveness towards assessing children. First, it relates on working with children (and their parents) by reframing of occupations as the things children need to do, want to do and are expected to do in their daily lives are important. Parents and caregivers are the best to knows on their child performance as they are the most close person thats directly relates with the child. Issues, priorities, abilities, problems and importance towards the child occupational performance are some of the topics that can be share and discuss between parents and multidiciplinary teams to identify the most realistic intervention goals. Second, the substitution of occupational area Productivity/Work with Communication/Behaviour have been done as the children from two to four years do not engage and involve in formal school activities. Parents were asked to consider and identify how their childs communication and behaviour difficulties impacted on the childs ability to engage in their daily occupations. This to ensure that it can helped parents consider communication, behaviour, play, self-care, routines and transitions, as well as family socialisation among their children. Purposes Mainly, COPM is used to identify problems in clients performance area with regards to their occupational performance, to gives rates on clients priorities towards their occupational performance, to evaluate performance and satisfactory levels that is related with their occupational performance problems area, measuring the changes in clients perception of their occupational performance over the courses of occupational therapy intervention programmes and its mainly to measure any changes in clients self perception of occupational performance which have variety of disabilities comprises of all developmental stages. Suitable Condition For Using COPM Pervasive Developmental Disorders which are Aspergers Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Phelan, Steinke, Mandich, 2009). Congenital Syndrome And Deformities (Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet, 2006) Developmental Delayed (Rezze, VirginiaWright, Curran, Campbell, Macarthur, 2009) Acquire Brain Injury (Rezze, VirginiaWright, Curran, Campbell, Macarthur, 2009) Cerebral Palsy (Nijhuis, et al., 2008). This is due to the requirement of these children towards their needs and problems in order to achieve their goal in their rehabilitation programmes. The studies done by Nijhuis, et al. in 2008 shows there is no optimal of the integration of child with their rehabilitation programmes. Note that, COPM have been accepted and approved its effectiveness on these conditions as these conditions have the most obvious proof by researcher. COPM can still be use to all disability groups and conditions (Law, Baptiste, Carswell, McColl, Polatajko, Pollock, 2005). This is refers to the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance as stated in Law, Baptiste, Carswell, McColl, Polatajko, Pollock on 2005 which shows that the results between interaction of persons, environment and occupation will affect their occupational performance. Domains The test consists of three divided area which have been further subdivided as follows: Occupational Performance Self care, Functional Mobility, and Community Management Productivity/Work Paid/Unpaid work, household Management, Play/School Leisure Quite recreation, active recreation, socialization While the Modified COPM comprises of Self Care, Communication/Behaviours, and Leisure. The domain for Modified COPM (Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen, 2004): Communication: To ask before going to the fridge. To increase ability to make needs known. To communicate need for toilet. Requesting food and toys. Responding to come here. Social Interaction: To improve eye contact. To join in more with Mum and siblings. To share and take turns with sibling. To improve tolerance of others engaging in play. Behaviour: To express frustration in appropriate ways. To reduce the frequency of unusual behaviour. To sit down for snack time at kindy. To react calmly when mess/spills made. To reduce amount of time spent selfstimulating. Play: To stay beside parents when walking in open spaces. To play by him/herself for five minutes. To play with nominated friend for five minutes. To play calmly alongside sibling. To engage in functional play with a doll. To increase play skills with other children. Self-care: To tolerate hair-brushing (tolerate parting and bunches) To sit on toilet for five minutes. To tolerate sitting on toilet properly. To establish a regular toilet routine Age Range The minimum age range of person who can be assessing with COPM is 8 years old. But, according to Law, Baptiste, Carswell, McColl, Polatajko, Pollock, 2005, the age can be as young as 5 years old to 6 years old as during this age, the child are able to be self assessing, self awareness and self understanding. In other words, the children are able to express their feelings and thoughts towards their occupations (Case-Smith OBrien, 2010). But if the child is unable to be assessing by their own, parents and caregivers can help therapist to assess their child. The recognition of family roles in the development of child with respect to the child occupational goal outcomes during early intervention should be implemented and concentrated on (Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen, 2004). Procedures and Scoring The administration of COPM is following on 4 major steps which important on obtaining the correct, reliable, valid and understandable data. The steps are: Problem Definition Rating Importance Scoring Reassessment COPM Cover Page The cover page consist of Clients Name, Age, Gender, Identification Number, Respondent (if assessment is done with people who relate with client), Date of Assessment, Planned date of Reassessment, Date of Reassessment, Therapist Name, Facility or Agency the Therapist situated, and Program that offers to the client. Therapist should complete the cover page as it used for identifying the client or the respondent as well as to provide some demographic information with respect to the rehabilitation that administered to the client. Other than that, some therapist use this initial information gathered from client to encourage and help clients to discuss issues relates with their disabilities and the effects towards their daily functioning. Law M. , Baptiste, Carswell, McColl, Polatajko, Pollock in 2005, are encouraging therapist to performing these interviews as it can assist in the COPM interview process and the back page of the COPM can also be used to record the information that gathers at the COPM. Step 1: Problem Definition The first step is essential as COPM is relatively unstructured assessment process. The steps are begins with interview the clients about their latest occupational performance with regards to their disability or current conditions. Intensive skills of interviewing, probing for the full response of client, validating assumptions and motivates the clients or respondent is the most essential skills that therapist have to care most as it requires to obtain the most thorough and comprehensive assessment. The therapist have to make this step crucial during assessing the clients as its can make clients indentify their occupations that they want to do, need to do and expected to do in their daily life. Encouraging the clients to think about a typical day and describe their occupations that they are typically do, also have to be taken care of by therapist. Therapist then asks the clients about their ability and satisfactory towards performing those occupation that they have stated early. In simpler words; Knows about clients needs, performance and satisfaction. At this stage, it is important for therapist to identify the areas of occupational performance that make difficulties to the client by administering the COPM with as comfortable as therapist and client as can with regards to any style that therapist considers appropriate with the interview. The test consists of three divided area which have been further subdivided that is simple and helpful for the therapist during interview process that only provide some structure and ensure therapist to covers all the required areas and not put the effort to the clients itself. However, therapist needs to review each area to ensure all occupational performance problems are identified. Follow the clients lead when deals with different areas as they may response in their own manners of telling during the interview Note that, not all of the areas have to be cover by therapist as it is use for ensuring the importance of certain occupation for the client have been discussed with them. Some areas may present during reassessment, so, take note on that area too. Step 2: Rating Importance This is the important steps in this assessment. Clients have to rate on their occupational problems that they have chosen in previous interview in terms of the occupational importance in their life. The importance is rated on a ten point scale and enters it on the score sheet at beside of the defined problems. By doing this, it gives immediate understanding on the engagement of the client in the setting of providing and facilitating the intervention and the priorities that should be taking care of. Example: IMPORTANCE How important is it to you to be able to do this activity? Not important at all Extremely Important 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Step 3: Scoring Based on step 2, assist client to find and choose the top 5 most problematic and important occupations. Therapist may assist on showing the highest rates on importance of the occupation that they have chosen recently and help to identify and understand the relations of the occupation, problems and issues for intervention the client. This allow client to get opportunities to confirm and agreed with their most important problems or to choose other problems that is less important if they wish to focus on the intervention that relates with the problems. The top 5 chosen problems is suggested to be enters in the scoring section which will be the basis for the intervention goal that later then implemented towards client. Contrarily, those target goals are not the only outcomes that therapist have to work with. In fact, therapist has to covers beyond the goals to achieve the maximum ability of the client. Simplify, at this step, the client should have complete their self evaluation towards their current performance in that area as well as complete their self evaluation towards their satisfaction towards their current performance. The scoring rating for performance and satisfaction on each problem are easy, but it is not necessarily to do it first and move to the next problem. Gains of at least 2 points on the COPM are considered clinically important (Rezze, VirginiaWright, Curran, Campbell, Macarthur, 2009). Example: PERFORMANCE How would you rate the way you do this activity? Unable to do at all Extremely Well Do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Example: SATISFACTION How satisfied are you with the way you do this activity? Not satisfied at all Extremely Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Therapists have to enter the clients score in appropriate box. Then, therapist has to follows the rules below: Total Score=Total Performance Score / Number of Problems OR Total Score=Total Satisfaction Score / Number of Problems The data obtained is then enters on the TOTAL section. Step 4: Reassessment Reassessment is done at appropriate time interval such as in between initial assessment and therapeutic intervention. The time interval is varied which depends on the agreement and judgement that have been done by therapist and client. During reassessment, the Performance and Satisfaction have to be evaluating again by following the previous ways and enters it on reassessment sections. Then, therapist has to follows the rules below: Change In Performance=Performance Score 2-Performance Score 1 OR Change in Satisfaction=Satisfaction Score 2-Satisfaction Score 1 Then, in order to get total change in performance or satisfaction, therapists have to calculate based on rules at below: Total Change In Performance=Total Performance Score 2-Total Performance Score 1 OR Total Change in Satisfaction=Total Satisfaction Score 2-Total Satisfaction Score 1 The Administration for Modified COPM also have four steps which is same as the previous, but in this modified version, the steps is mainly refers to interviewing parents and caregivers. The steps are: Parents asked to identify occupations that were difficult for their son/daughter with regards to self-care, play, rest and relaxation. Parents rated these difficulties using a 10-point scale to identify priorities for intervention. Parents rated current performance and satisfaction of their son/daughter on three to five of the priority areas using a 10-point scale. Parents rated performance and satisfaction post-intervention. Administration Time 15 minutes to 30 minutes depends on the experience of the therapist to gain information. Psychometric Properties Reliability Based on the research done by Eyssen, Beelen, Dedding, Cardol, Dekker, 2005, The ICC for the mean scores for performance and satisfaction were respectively 0.67 (95% CI 0.54-0.78) and 0.69 (95% CI 0.56-0.79). The limits of agreement for the mean values of performance and satisfaction were in the range of respectively -2.5 to 2.4 (d -0.05, SD 1.2) and -2.3 to 2.7 (d 0.01, SD 1.4). Cohens weighted kappa for each of the five problems ranged from 0.37 to 0.49 for performance scores and 0.38-0.49 for satisfaction scores. Inter Rater Reliability For original COPM, Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet, 2006 have stated that, The comparison between two interview was done which the first COPM interviews identified 392 prioritized problems and the second 390. In the first COPM only two problems were prioritized for one child, four problems for five children and five problems were identified for 74 children, while in the second COPM interview only three problems were prioritized for three children, four problems for four children and five problems for 73 children. Of the 392 prioritized problems identified in the first interview, 290 were prioritized again in the second interview. Of the problems that were prioritized at the first assessment, the median percentage that were also prioritized at the second assessment was 80. No systematic differences were found in the mean scores for performance and satisfaction of the problems that were prioritized in both interviews. The limits of agreement for performance scores were -2.4 to +2.3 (dà ¯_/0.7, SD 1.2) and for satisfaction scores -2.3 to +2.6 (dà ¯ 0.18, SD 1.2). For Modified COPM, Rodger, Braithwaite, Keen, 2004 shows that, Inter-rater agreement for goal domain classification was 92.2 per cent. For specific domains, inter-rater agreement was 100 per cent for self-care, 97.3 per cent for communication, 94.7 per cent for behaviour, 91.7 per cent for play, and 69.2 per cent for social interaction. No goals were classified as Other. Parents identified between three and six goals. The mean number of goals was 4.09. The domain of communication represented the highest priority area of goals identified by parents. Validity Construct Validity Research of Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet in 2006 have found that, For 196 (50%) problems prioritized in the first COPM there was a comparable item in the PEDINL and for 151 prioritized problems (39%) there was a comparable item in the TAP(C)QOL; and 144 (95%) of these corresponding items were also ticked by the parents on the TAP(C)QOL. For 142 (36%) prioritized problems in the COPM no comparable item could be found in either the PEDI-NL or the TAP(C)QOL. These problems concerned a great variety of activities, the majority of which were play activities, preschool skills, outdoor activities and activities which were not formulated specifically enough in the PEDI-NL or the TAP(C)QOL. Criterion Validity Verkerk, Jeanne, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, Nollet in 2006 also have found that, A total of 157 (71%) of the 221 problems reported in the replies to the open-ended question matched the prioritized problems reported in the COPM. However, 66 (30%) of the 221 matched problems concerned temperament or impairments and behaviour of the child, but not activities. Case Study Clients Name: MH Jr. Age: 5 years Gender: Male Id #: 123456 Respondent: Mrs. NH (mother) Date of Assessment: 31st August 2010 Planned Date of Reassessment: September 2010 Date of Reassessment: 14th September 2010 Therapist: Mrs. NB Facility/Agency: Dept. of Occupational Therapy Program: Step 1: Identification of Occupational Performance Issues Step 2: Rating Importance Step 1A: Self Care Personal Care: Dressing Feeding Functional Mobility: Sitting Standing Community Management: IMPORTANCE 8 8 9 8 Step 1B: Productivity Paid/Unpaid Work: Household Management: Play/School: Play with peers Drawing 7 5 Step 1C: Leisure Quite Recreation: Active Recreation: Socialization: Emotional outburst when play 7 Step 3 and 4: Scoring Initial Assessment and Reassessment Initial Assessment: Reassessment: Occupational Performance Problems Performance 1 Satisfaction 1 Performance 2 Feeding Dressing Sitting Standing Drawing 4 3 5 3 5 2 1 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 6 Scoring: Total Score = ÃŽà £Performance @ Satisfaction # of problems (4+3+5+3+5) 5 = 4 (2+1+3+3+4) 5 = 2.6 (5+4+5+4+6) 5 = 4.8 Change In Performance = Performance Score 2 (4.8) Performance Score 1 (4) = 0.8 Change in Satisfaction = Satisfaction Score 2 (5) Satisfaction Score 1 (2.6) = 2.4 Additional Notes and Background Information Initial Assessment: This child have mild Spastic Cerebral Palsy with affected all four limbs. Reassessment: This child have motivation to do the activities provided although may sometime present frustration and emotional outburst. Appendices
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Impacts of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Impacts of the Americans with Disabilities Act Adapted Fitness Activities Congress weighed the interests of the businesses that would need to update their facilities versus the interests of the people that would be helped and decided that helping Americans with Disabilities would be the fairest thing to do. As verbally expressed by the founding fathers of America ââ¬Å"All men are created equal.â⬠Black, white, brown, short, tall, perspicacious, and incoherent, all are engendered equipollently. Therefore every person deserves fair judgement. Unfortunately, it is a profound fact that not everyone is born mundane and capable of task typical for a mundane person, who is liberate from incapacitation. In my opinion, the quote ââ¬Å"All men are created equalâ⬠accommodates to promote an amicable environment that avails inspirit parity among people and avails to apperceive the kindred attributes rather than the differences that dissevers men. Even so, with this hope, the incapacitated community still struggles for parity. The Americans with disabiliti es act further goes to destroy those barriers between the community. If everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom that is set forth in the Declaration, disabled people should not be robbed of their rights. However, they are still devalued from conducting common tasks which puts them at the bottom of the priority list as an employee and even so as a friend. If everyone is entitled to all the rights and liberation that is set forth in the Declaration, incapacitated people should not be purloined of their rights. However, they are still devalued from conducting mundane tasks which puts them at the bottom of the priority list as an employee and even so as a friend. President George Bush signed the ADA into law that serves and protects people with disabilities. This law prohibits discrimination against the disabled by employers and required commercial establishments, public accommodation, and mass transportation be made accessible to disabled persons. hence the law was signed, new doors opened for the deaf and hard of hearing culture for a better opportunity in gaining equal rights. President Bush appointed four titles to protect deaf and hard of hearing people. In ââ¬Å"The ADA and Deaf Cultureâ⬠by Tucker, B. Title I, prohibits both public and private employers from refusing to hire or promote an individual because of his or her impairment and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for applicants or employees who are deaf or hard of hearing (Tucker 28). If a deaf or hard of hearing employee can pass the essential part of the job qualification, he or she is protected by the ADA to be hired. Also, the ADA prohibits employers to discriminate disabled people in means of recruitment, job applications procedures, pay rates, and promotions. The second title, Title II, ââ¬Å"Requires all state and local government agencies to make all of their services accessible to individuals with disabilityâ⬠(NAD 22). This ensures people with disability to be able to participate in services, programs, and activitie s who can meet the essential eligibility requirements. Such places that must make these accommodations are schools, libraries, police and fire department, public hospitals, jails and prisons, motor vehicle departments, parks and recreation programs, food stamp offices, and welfare and social service agencies. Because these places serves to the public they cannot neglect people with disabilities. Title III gives equal access to public accommodations which removes communication and physical barriers to people with disabilities from private businesses, professionals, and nonprofit organizations. These private entities may not discriminate ââ¬Å"in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns, lease, or operates a place of public accommodationâ⬠(NAD 28). Such places operated by a private entity of public accommodations are hotels or places of lodging, restauran t or establishment serving food or drink, theater, place of public gathering like convention center, zoo, nursery, bowling alley and more. Title IV requires ââ¬Å"telephone companies to provide both local and long distance telecommunications relay services across the nationâ⬠(NAD 34). By providing an accessible telephone system, deaf and hard of people are able communicate much easier and would minimize traveling to relay a message. It also ââ¬Å"requires all television public services announcements that are produced of funded by the federal government to include closed captioningâ⬠(NAD 34). With closed captioning, primary source of news and culture information, as well as emergency broadcast warnings will be accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing people. By appointing these four titles, deaf and hard of hearing are insured of their civil rights and acceptance in society. If American pursues to reach equality for all, people of color, language, and ability should b e able to find peace within the differences between themselves. Although the ADA protects people with disability, it is quite difficult to zero in a situation when people of disability are discriminated against during the time of the situation. In some cases the damage was done before justice is served. In one of the cases, a spouse of a pregnant women was denied of an interpreter because he was not the patient. However, he still deserved the right to be informed of the situation of his baby, therefore the judge rule in their favor and were compensated for their trouble. On July 1997 in an article by the New York Times ââ¬Å"Judge Finds Bias at Hospital In Dealings With Deaf Man,â⬠Mount Sinai Medical Center illegally discriminated against the Bravins by not providing an interpreter. Mr. Bravin, a Lexington School teacher for the deaf in Manhattan was unable to learn the Lamaze method to assist his wife give birth. Sinai Medical Center disapproved Mr. Bravin request for an interpreter because itââ¬â¢s Mrs. Bravins who was the patient not Mr. Bravin who was deaf. Nevertheless, Lamaze method is a team effort which Mr. Bravin needed to learn to assist his wife give birth. The judge ruled that the hospital violated state and federal laws requiring accommodations for the disabled (Stewart 1). This example violated the title II of the ADA which was to provide interpreters at hospital settings. Although it was not Mrs. Bravin who needed an interpreter while giving birth and could not interpret for her husband, it was Mr. Bravin who needed it to find the situation of their baby during the birth and the week that the baby was in the neonatal intensive care unit. Mr. and Mrs. Bravin, a family concerned about their baby, should have the right to be informed especially if the baby is in an intensive care unit. Because the hospital did not provide an interpreter the judge ruled in favor of the Bravins and was scheduled the decision on the amount of damages. Even though Mrs. Bravins was hearing, the hospital should have put in c onsideration to provide an interpreter for Mr. Bravin because Mrs. Bravins could not interpret for her husband for she was giving birth. Poor Mr Bravin was left in the dark to figure how he could had help his wife and find out what was happening to his baby. The hospital did not consider Mr. Bravin in the equation, therefore the hospital discriminated against him and are scheduled for the amount of damages. In another situation, a community of deaf and hard of hearing are neglected of their rights. In an article from The New York Times on July 29, 1997, titled ââ¬Å"Judge Rules Fire Box Denies Access To The Deaf,â⬠a federal judge ruled, ââ¬Å"to shrink the cityââ¬â¢s fire alarm box systemâ⬠(Holloway 1) was in violation of the civil rights of deaf and hard of hearing residents of New York. When Judge Sweets ordered the city to refit the boxes that was removed or disconnected as a part of an experiment in 1995, the city reconnected the box system with only a single li ne to the police department, instead of two-button system, one to fire and other to police department. Their defense, fire department contended that single-boxes would drastically reduce false alarms. However according to Holloway, ââ¬Å"Judge Sweet said the one-button boxes were ââ¬Å"unusableâ⬠by a hearing impaired person, a violation of the American With Disabilities Act, which guarantees equal access to public servicesâ⬠(Holloway 2). Clearly, by replacing the box systems it reduces emergency calls, but it also prevents deaf and hard of hearing from making emergency calls, thus discriminating them of their right to telecommunications, especially for emergencies. Therefore, Judge sweets denied the cityââ¬â¢s request to abolish the fire-box system entirely. Also, as stated by the ADA, state and local government must make accommodations for the disabled. One example where the disabled are severely mistreated is at prisons. In an article from Los Angeles Times, title d ââ¬Å"a Win for Disabled Prisoners; Ruling: Federal appeals court says the state violated their rights during parole hearings,â⬠by Krikorian, G. on November 29, 2001, the state officials was ordered to make it easier for thousands of disabled prisoners and ex-felons to attend in parole hearings by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court Appeals. Krikorian wrote, ââ¬Å"Violations included prisoners who use wheelchairs being left to crawl up stairs to attend their parole hearingsâ⬠(Krikorian 1) and ââ¬Å"Deaf inmates also were sometimes deprived of interpreters during hearings or had their hands shackled and thus were unable to sign Wilken foundâ⬠(Kirkorian 2). Evidently, this describes the nature of cruelty that happens in prisons. Although the prison is a place where people need to be disciplined or exiled, there still must be some balance. Aa Kirkorian described, the people who are on parole, who may be scheduled to leave, are still being deprived of their rights. Therefo re, because of the harsh environment disabled people have to face in prisons, the U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken ordered ââ¬Å"that the board survey all its hearing rooms to ensure that they are accessible to the disabled, provide interpreters for deaf prisoners, supply assistants for inmates with mental retardation and learning disabilities and establish a grievance processâ⬠(Kirkorian 2). With this, state officials would be more lenient than before. These discrimination against the deaf and hard of hearing people would slowly depart as society realizes that these people are incapable to hear and/or understand words because of their disability. Therefore it would be inconsiderate to treat such people without accommodations. Because deaf and hard of hearing have problems communicating and socializing, it is only fair to accommodate for their loss. There are numerous things that these people can do, but hear. If they are assisted for their loss, most would generously reconcile with in society, boosting their self-esteem and making positive deeds. In an article from the Los angeles Times titled ââ¬Å"UPS Ban on Deaf Drivers is Rejectedâ⬠by Girion, L. on October 11, 2006, a federal appeals court ruled that the United Parcel Services Inc. (UPS) has illegally discriminated against deaf employees by excluding them from driving delivery vans. The San Francisco-Based U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the UPS has violated the ADA, employers must justify polices or job requirements that elude a group of people who are disabled. The UPS countered that the case was about safety not disability or discrimination. The Professor of Sanford University of Law, Mark Kelman, stated that the use of deaf dri vers by other companies made UPSââ¬â¢ exclusion a difficult policy to justify under the ADA. Therefore, it was perceived that the UPS was not permitting very much individual analysis; they were rejecting the hearing impaired. Joe Beachboard who is representing employers defended that if a UPS driver has a serious accident, the company would be sued; hearing impaired poses a safety problem because of their inability to hear other vehicles. However, U.S. Circuit Judge Marsh Berzon noted that drivers are offered warning signals when backing up a van, therefore she wrote, UPS ââ¬Å"failed to show that those accidents would not also been avoided by a deaf driver who has compensated for his her loss of hearing by, for example, adapting modified driving techniques or using compensatory devices such as backing cameras or additional mirrorsâ⬠(Girion 2). In addition, being a safe driver does not merely rely on hearing that is why deaf people are able to acquire a license to drive pa ssenger cars. Consequently, after a couple more hearings, federal ruled to require drivers of vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds or more to meet certain vision and hearing standards. The qualifications lets the companies determine drivers for lighter vehicles. The accommodation serves to allow deaf and hard of hearing employee to drive vehicles and keep their job. In another situation where accommodation are made for the deaf and hard of hearing is in the article ââ¬Å"Dispute in Westchester on Deaf Child Acceptedâ⬠from the New York Times by Greenhouse, Linda on November 3, 1981. Supreme Court agreed to provide a sign language interpreter for deaf third grader. The appeals was based on the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Apparently, Amy Rowley a deaf student who was adept at lip reading and received help from her hearing aid was performing above average from her class without special help. However, the court ruled ââ¬Å"she was entitled to be able to under stand everything said in the classroom, a goal that could be achieved only through sign languageâ⬠(Greenhouse 2). Even though Amy Rowley in the top half of her class the court recognized that she is still being denied of her rights. Therefore, the court ruled in her favor to accommodate her for education. With the accommodation she will be given an opportunity to achieve her full potential. Not all individuals with disabilities are protected by the ADA. To be protected, individuals with disabilities must show that they are otherwise qualified for the job they want. They have to prove that they can perform the essential functions of that job with or without reasonable modifications, and they must have a disability that significantly limits them and show that they have suffered discrimination because of the disability. However the Americans with Disabilities Act is one in many steps for the towards the creation of an ideal society
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ecodisc :: essays research papers
Ecodisc Ecodisc is a program which allows the user to take on the role of a Nature Reserve Manager. It was designed by a man named Peter Bratt, and Englishman in South Devon. Ecodisc is designed so that the user can see what effects certain changes can make on the environment with out actually making the changes. Ecodisc is a good educational tool showing new users the effects of certain decisions. It can also be used a map, because it lets you see various parts of the nature reserve without actually going there. Ecodisc allows the user to take on the role of a nature reserve manger, which is the person who basically decides what changes will be made to the nature reserve. With aid of the Ecodisc, the results of decisions can be shown without actually doing anything, or doing any harm to the environment. Ecodisc allows users to explore various parts of the nature reserve and view it from different positions. You can see the area from any direction (north, south, east or west), and even from a helicopter position. Ecodisc lets you see the areas of the reserve from any part of the year. For example, you could view the reserve in the middle of winter and see what it looks like in summer. Ecodisc is one of the first interactive programmes, and there are hopes of some day there being interactive broadcast television. This is a breakthrough in visual entertainment, because while television lets you see a place, interactive video will let you explore it. Interactive video is where the viewer decides the plot and characters of a movie, or show. The viewer will basically be able to write their own scripts and produce the movie at the same time. Ecodisc would be very good for showing students (or anyone) interested in managing nature reserves, working for national parks or just as an interest
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Free Oedipal Complex Essays: Hamletââ¬â¢s Oedipus Complex :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Hamletââ¬â¢s Oedipus Complex In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play of Hamlet, we are under the impression that Hamlet has an unconscious longing for his mother. The death of Ophelia assists in displaying Hamletââ¬â¢s actions of being insane. Hamlet also subconsciously reveals the truth about his feelings, whether he realizes them or not. Hamlet communicates on two different levels throughout the play. Hamlet's intimacy with Ophelia shows that he could love other then his mother and father. By having Ophelia, rather than Polonius read the love letter to Claudius, Ophelia is reminded of Hamlet offering his love to her. This presents another sight of Hamlet in a state of well being. By generating the illusion of a serious, committed relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia, the failure of this relationship a crucial factor of Hamlet's madness. At Opheliaââ¬â¢s funeral Hamlet says, "I loved you ever. But it is no matter. Let Hercules himself do what he may, the cat will mew, and dog will have his day". The tragic death of Ophelia is clearly contributed to Hamlet's mental lapses. In one of Hamletââ¬â¢s rages he says, "Here, thou incestuous, murdââ¬â¢rous, damnèd Dane, drink off this portion". When Hamlet says that to the King, he mentions incest, which has nothing to do with the King and the Queen. Hamlet might have subconsciously set off an indication of secret urges be tween him and his mother. When words seem like normal conversation, there can be feelings expressed without being conscious of it. Like when Hamlet sets out rules for the Gertrudeââ¬â¢s sexuality in their long talk alone, which seems very unusual. "O, throw away the worser part of it, and live the purer with the other half. Good night ââ¬â but go not to my uncleââ¬â¢s bed". Hamlet suggests that his mother should be in love with him instead of his uncle. Neither Hamlet nor Gertrude realize at this point what Hamlet really means. Also, when Hamlet talks to his mother later on, he suggests that her relationship with the King makes him jealous, "Let the bloat king tempt you again to bed, pinch wanton on you cheek, call you his mouse, and let him, for a pair of reechy kisses, or paddling your neck with his damned fingersâ⬠¦". Desire is in the unconscious when we lived out the Oedipal dream, it was destined to be in a warped form, and there's surely an echo of that.
Essay --
Romanticism is a type of literature that focuses on the authorââ¬â¢s imagination. Many authors have helped define the Romantic genre of literature with one of a kind archetypes and elements that can be perfectly executed by one of a kind authors. Romanticism brings peoples imagination and dreams to life for all others to read and appreciate. There have been countless authors who have devoted their entire careers to writing literature that has defined this genre. Mary Shelley is one author that has written a story that has made a lasting impact through generations. Her story Frankenstein has been an important cornerstone in Romantic literature ever since it was written. The story contains many Romantic elements that are defined uniquely such as childhood, nature, and a story about the individual. This story has a big stress on childhood from the very beginning. The novel Frankenstein begins with the protagonist Victor Frankenstein as a child. During the first few chapters the novel discusses the events in his childhood such as his family adopting Elizabeth and shows how his studies as a child shape the person he was to become. ââ¬Å"Elizabeth was of a calmer and more concentrated dispositionâ⬠(Shelley). Frankenstein uses lines like this one throughout the first few chapters to foreshadow to the reader the type of people that the characters were destined to be from childhood. This shows the innocent and everlasting kindness and gentleness of Elizabeth, the craving for knowledge that powered Victor, and the loyalty of Henry. For the reader, being able to read how the characters begin the story as young children that grow into adults as you read the story, helps builds a strong emotional relationship between the characters and reader. Besides... ...uld contain a huge void that would be hard for someone else to fill. Shelley is one of the authors that mastered the Romantic genre in a way that nobody else can execute. She showed that writing Romantic literature was something entertaining to the audience. She gave people stories that could take them away from their normal daily lives and put them in a fantasyland that was extravagantly laid out for the reader. She made characters that the reader were able to connect too emotionally and care for, making them want to read more. Shelley showed her mastery in Frankenstein with helping the reader connect through childhood, create a landscape with nature, and keeping suspense by only letting the reader know what was going on from the individual, and not giving away too much information. She was a one of a kind author whose impact on literature will never be forgotten.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Effects Packaging Materials on Shelf Life
EXPERIMENT 1: THE EFFECTS OF PACKAGING MATEIAL ON SHELF LIFE OF CRACKERS Introduction The type of food, chemical composition, size, storage conditions, expected shelf life, moisture content, aroma and appearance are just a few of the characteristics that must be taken into consideration when selecting the right material for a food product. A continuing trend in food packaging is the design of packages to extend the shelf life of foods while maintaining fresh-like quality.This places a high demand on selecting materials that not only provide the needed properties to maintain the quality of the food but it must be done at a cost effective price. The permeability of the packaging material is one of the most critical features of the package for affecting the quality of the food product. Objectives: I) To calculate the moisture uptake of different packaging materials II) To assess the texture hardness of the products by sensory analysis and texture analyzer III) To determine the estimated shelf-life of the products Materials:Crackers, packaging materials- HDPE, PP, Paper bag, aluminium foil, etc: plastic sealer: weighing balance, texture analyzer . Procedure: Two bags (duplicate) of crackers for each packaging materials was provided. The bags were filled with crackers, and then was weighed and stored at 25? C for 2 weeks. Two packets of crackers from the commercial packaging materials was weighed and stored at 25? C for 2 weeks as control. Each of the packets was reweighed after a week and the mean moisture uptake was determined after a week.After 1 week, for the commercial products, the packet was kept empty by removing all traces of the contents and the weight of the empty packages was weighed. The original mass of the contents was calculated according to the calculation given. From the results, the time (in weeks) before packages allow to uptake of 1% moisture (based on the mass of the content) was calculated. At this point (1% moisture uptake) was assumed, the p roduct had reached the end of its shelf life, and the result of the estimated shelf life was reported. Assessment of Crispiness: A) The means of ââ¬Ëcrispinessââ¬â¢ was decided in group. Sensory AnalysisThe commercial crackers as ââ¬Ëstandardââ¬â¢ was taken and each one of the crackers was bite down by using the incisor teeth only. The degree of crispiness was noted and this crispiness of the rating was given of 100. The crispiness of crackers was rated from different types of packet in the same manner by comparing each to the ââ¬Ëstandardââ¬â¢. As example, if you feel a biscuit is half as crispy as the standard, give it a rating of 50: if it twice as crispy gives it a rating of 200. A mean rating and SD of crackers of each type of packaging was calculated. B) Texture Analysis This method is using texture analyser TA-XT2 with the 3 point bending rigThe operating parameters of the analyzer was set and followed as below: TA setting Force in compression Return to star t Approach speed : 1. 0 mm/s Test speed : 0. 1 mm/s Post test speed : 2mm / s Distance : 10 mm (this may be made smaller if the crackers easily break Units : Newtons and millimeters Rig distance 40. 0 mm apart At least two crackers were prepared. the width and thickness of the crackers was measured, in the plane of the probe by vernier caliper. The crackers were placed on the right side up on the rig supports. The test was run.The Youngââ¬â¢s Modulus was calculated from point 1. The breaking force from point 2 was recorded. With the cursor, from the graph that had been illustrated after the test run, the point 1 at d = 0. 1 mm was identified. The force and distance was recorded (chown on top left of screen). The force was converted from grams to Newtons and distances to metres. With the cursor, the point 2, the breaking point was identified. The force and distance was recorded. The force was converted from grams to Newtons and distance to metres. Identified whether Youngââ¬â¢s modulus or breaking force are more reproducible parameter on the biscuits.Discussion: Moisture sensitive foods are susceptible to change in their environment and if it left opened will first become stale. Water migration and diffusion is considered to be one of the most important factors for the moisture sensitive foods. Moisture content analysis allows for a quantitative measure of the total amount of water present in a food item which can influence the texture, taste, and appearance of food products. According to military specification PCR-C-037, ââ¬Å"Crackers, Fortified, Packaged in a Flexible Pouch, Shelf Stableâ⬠, moisture content shall be not less than 1. 5 percent and not greater than 4. percent. From the result obtained in this experiment, we discovered that the percentage of moisture content after 1 week for crackers in commercial packaging for mean for both sample was 0. 48% and 0. 48% after 2 week. Next for the HDPE packaging the moisture content for week 1 for sa mple 1 and 2 was 0. 95% and increased to 2. 14 % at week 2. The same situation happened for the PP packaging, the mean moisture content of crackers for week 1 for sample 1 and 2 1. 19 % then decreased to 0. 95 % at week 2. For the paper bag, the mean moisture content of the crackers for sample 1 and 2 at week 1 was 3. 2 % but increased to 4. 54% after 2 week. From the result, we observed that the commercial packaging material had lowest moisture loss followed with PP, HDPE and paper bag had the highest lost of moisture content of the crackers. It is because the paper bag had a high porosity to allow the moisture absorb on the paper. Sensory analysis allows for evaluation of food items with respect to appearance and palatability. Acceptability of the crackers was determined by a trained sensory evaluation panel, which assessed and rated the cracker for flavor, taste, odor, and texture.Ratings were based on a 9-point qualitative scale for each cracker attribute, along with an overall quality score for the cracker. According to military specification PCR-C-0372, ââ¬Å"Crackers, Fortified, Packaged in a Flexible Pouch, Shelf Stableâ⬠, the cracker must receive an overall score of 5. 0 or higher based on the 9-point scale to be considered acceptable. From the evaluation of the crackers in different types of packaging materials, we observed the texture for both sample was ranked as 8 means it have a very good texture and do not stale, the color of the commercial packaging was very bright gold and ranked as 8.For the odor and taste, the commercial packaging was ranked as 7 which mean the aroma of the crackers was retained and retain the freshness of the taste of the crackers. The appearance of the crackers was ranked as 8 because the condition and shape of the crackers was still retained in original shape. The overall acceptability of the commercial packaging crackers was ranked as 7 and the crackers with commercial packaging have the highest ranked among the ot her packaging materials.In short, we can concluded from the sensory evaluation the texture of the crackers was well preserved by using commercial packaging followed by PP, HDPE and lastly paper bag. For the color of the crackers, the commercial packaging obtained the highest ranked followed by PP, HDPE and lastly paper bag. The color of the crackers in the paper bag packaging was very light yellow indicates the staling of the crackers. For the odor evaluation, as the same expected, the commercial packaging had the better odor, followed with HDPE, PP and lastly paper bag.Nest the evaluation of appearance, the commercial crackers packaging had better appearance followed with PP, HDPE and lastly crackers in paper bag packaging had poor appearance because the crackers had not retain the original crackers shape. The taste of the crackers was difficult to evaluate but the crackers from commercial packaging had the better taste and the freshness of crackers was retained, while the crackers from HDPE and PP packaging had the same crackers taste but the crackers from paper bag packaging had a very poor taste, the taste of the crackers was lost because of the moisture uptake of the crackers.The overall acceptability of the crackers from commercial packaging was 7 which means acceptable followed by PP and HDPE packaging but the crackers from paper bag packaging was assumed had a very poor acceptability due to the moisture uptake. The texture analysis was conducted because the presence of moisture is known to affect the hardness of food items like the crackers, as they absorb moisture from the environment around them. The crispiness means the force at which is the significant break in curve (not always present) or force at which material fracture.From the texture analysis, the result had showed that the crispiness of the crackers from the commercial packaging for sample 1 was 923. 45 and 773. 2 for sample 2, with overall mean for these two samples was 848. 32. Nest for th e HDPE packaging the crispiness of the texture were lowest compared to commercial packaging which result 632. 7 for sample 1 and 990. 2 for sample 2 with overall mean for two samples was 811. 45. The PP packaging showed for the sample the crispiness of the crackers was 858. 85 for sample 1 and 993. 45 for sample 2. Lastly for the paper bag packaging, the sample 1 had 1093. 25 and 793. forsample 2 and the mean for crispiness for both sample was 943. 53. For the determination of crispiness of the crackers in different type of packaging, we observed that crackers from commercial packaging had the highest crispiness rating which was 100 0 followed with PP packaging with reading obtained 75 0, HDPE 50 0 and lastly the crackers from the paper bag packaging with rating 25 0. Food packages made with plastic are permeable at different degrees to small molecules as example gases, water vapour, and organic vapour and to other low molecular weight compounds like aromas, flavour, and additives p resent into food.As a consequence of the barrier properties of the material, the transfer of this molecules ranges from high to low. The information of the solution/diffusion/permeation behaviors of these molecules through the polymer film has become important for polymers used in the food packaging. Many factors that can influence the polymer packages performance must be taken into consideration to design the correct package market solution.The use of different polymers in food packaging industry depends on the properties of the food product and also in manufacturing, handling, and packaging engineering procedures can influence the final properties of packaging material, especially in terms of barrier properties which are related to the intrinsic structure of the polymer such as degree of crystallinity, crystalline, nature of polymer, thermal and mechanical treatment before and after food contact, chemical groups present into the polymer, degree of cross-linking, and glass transiti on temperature.High density polyethylene (HDPE) was first developed for packaging as a film before being introduced as a bottle for milk in 1964. Its use for packaging has increased because of its low cost, flexibility, durability, ability to withstand the sterilizing process, and resistance to many chemicals. Polyethylene plastics have the generally advantageous properties of toughness, high tensile strength, and good barrier properties to moisture.A particularly important property of polyethylene plastics, which is due to their relatively low melting point ranges, is the ease with which packaging can be heat-sealed. The barrier properties of polyethylene plastics to oxygen andorganic substances are only moderate. These characteristics, along with properties such as clarity and stiffness, vary with the basic polyethylene parameters of density/crystallinity, molecular weight, and molecular weight distribution As food packaging, HDPE is most commonly associated with milk, oil, and ju ice bottles.Non-food packaging uses include supermarket bags, cleaning product containers, motor oil containers, agricultural films and chemical containers, paper bag liners, bags, crates, drums, and pails. Different grades of HDPE are used for different purposes. For example, there is a blow mould grade (used for milk bottles, and detergent bottles) and an injection grade material (ice cream containers). Disadvantages of HDPE as a packaging material include its low resistance to UV light and gas permeability.New technologies, such as barrier coatings and multi-layer materials, are being introduced to improve these characteristics. Conclusion: From the result from moisture content, sensory evaluation and texture analysis we can conclude that the packaging that had the highest moisture uptake which was 3. 82% for week 1 and 4. 54% for week 2 while the lowest moisture uptake was crackers with commercial packaging which was 0. 48% for first and second week. This is also supported by th e texture analysis which obtained that crackers for commercial packaging had 0. 48 kg, for PP packaging was 0. 811 kg followed with 0. 926 for HDPE packaging and 0. 943 kg for paper bag. The crispiness ratings obtained described that crackers from commercial packaging had the highest crispiness rating which was 1000, PP 750, PP 500 and paper bag was 250. From this evaluation, we conclude that the commercial packaging was the most preferred way in preserving the crackers quality, followed with HDPE packaging, PP packaging and the paper bag was the less preferred packaging for crackers due to highest moisture ptake. References: Philip T. , (2003). Packaging Materials Polyethylene for Food, Packaging Applications, 1-68 Nagi. H. P. S. , Kaur. J. , Dar. B. N. and S. Sharma (2012). Effect of Storage Period and Packaging on the Shelf Life of Cereal Bran Incorporated Biscuits. American Journal of Food Technology, 7: 301-310. Valentina. S. (2012). Food Packaging Permeability Behaviour: A Rep ort, International Journal of Polymer Science, Volumeà 2012, 1- 11.
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